YER 2009

YER'09 Symposium:
Earth Sciences & Engineering Education Symposium and Student Graduation Projects Exhibition
June 2, 2009 ITU Faculty of Mines
A symposium will be held on the education in the earth sciences & engineering and student graduation projects will be displayed at the Faculty of Mines, ITU which is home of five different engineering departments carrying out reserach and education in understanding shallow and deep structure of the earth, exploring the natural resources, production of mines and processing of the raw materials for industrial semi-raw products. More than 55 years of honorable past, we will be proud of welcoming to the community of earth sicences in this remarkable event. Recent educational interests in mining, geological, petroleum and natural gas, geophyical and mineral processing engineering will be discussed in this symposium. Components of the university education in earth sciences and engineering programs, new approaches in teaching topics, monitoring quality of education, improving engineering programs and accrediataion policies will be the main issues to be disccussed in the symposium. Student graduation projects exhibition will be held during the symposium and the poster presentations will be introduced to the evaluation of participants of the symposium. This event is organized as a part of celebratation of the 55th year of the establisment of the Faculty of Mines.
In earth science engineering education:
-Educational administration and its policies
-Educational programs and teaching
-Vocational and technical education
-Comparisons with European community education programs
-Surveying and evaluation in education
-Interfacing in interdiciplinary studies
-Contribution of practical training in education
-Contributon of cooperation between university and industry, New trends in accreditation in engineering education programs