YER 2010 Symposium


YER’2010 Symposium

Earth Sciences Engineering Projects Symposium and Student Graduation Projects Exhibition 

June 8, 2010 ITU Faculty of Mines


Mining Engineering, Geological Engineering, Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, Geophysical Engineering and Mineral Processing Engineering Departments are gathered under the Faculty of Mines roof. In this year's Symposium, graduation design projects of our undergraduate students will be evaluated by the Industry's distinguished representatives. This Symposium will be an excellent chance for us to figure out how well our research interests and industry's demands coincide. 
Design projects are the cornerstones of the studies on exploration, exploitation, and processing of underground natural resources. Presentation of new and advancing technologies as undergraduate design projects points out the high level of engineering education at ITU.
A total of ten speakers presented technical papers in the previous year's Symposium on Mining, Geology, Geophysics, Petroleum and Natural Gas, and Mineral Processing areas. Improving the quality of engineering education in ITU was also discussed in June 2009. Last year's symposium also became an excellent platform to exchange information with the constituents of our departments for ABET accreditation preparation. YER2010 Symposium will be a great opportunity to presents our research to the industry and to discuss graduation design projects and exchange ideas with our constituents.

YER2010 Symposium topics in Earth Sciences Engineering are:

 The public sector projects and their applications in Turkey
 Graduating students' design projects
 Engineering applications in the Sector
 Inter-disciplinary studies                
 Sector-University cooperation     

From the Symposium